Strategic Development
School Development Priorities 2024-2025
We aim to:
Create a nurturing environment where we foster growth and confidence in every child to achieve their full potential.
A shared belief of 'positive minds, positive futures.'
Providing the highest quality educational experience.
Seeing our children as individuals and supporting them to achieve their full potential.
Promoting our nurturing environment and school values in everything we do.
In order to:
Create ethical, confident and responsible learners who contribute to a better world.

Critical success factors:
CSF1: We need to define and develop leadership structures across the school.
CSF2: We need secure systems that accurately measure the effectiveness of the quality of our curriculum.
CSF3: We need inclusive learning environments for all pupils including SEND and disadvantaged pupils.
CSF4: We need expert teachers trained and equipped with the necessay skills, tools and understanding.
CSF5: We need strong outcomes and comparators.
CSF6: We need a strong crew school culture.
Project 1: We will improve the lived experience of SEND and disadvantaged pupils.
Project 2: We will raise standards of teaching and learning through expert teaching.
Project 3: We will review leadership structures within school with a particular focus on middle and senior leaders.
Project 4: We will implement child engaged assessments.
Project 5: We will review the history and geography curriculum ensuring secure evidence for endpoints are embedded.
Project 6: We will implement a crew culture across the school.
Project 7: We will review our mastery approach to maths to ensure the fundamentals of fluency through varied and frequent practice.
Project 8: We will refine subject leadership roles and responsibilities to ensure systems for monitoring and evaluating subject areas are effective.
Project 9: We will refine early years curriculum documentation to reflect our current practice including curriculum progression, outdoor learning and continuous provision.
Project 10: We will produce a reading for pleasure strategy.
Project 11: We will incorporate project work more into our curriculum.
Project 12: We will refine subject leader curriculum documentation to include: intent, implementation and impact.
School Development Priorities 2022-2024
Please find below an overview of the school's strategic development priorities.